What we stand for

All companies need a vision, or so they say. It took about a decade of bumbling about to realise what we actually were trying to do all this while, even while we had some key concepts we were certain about (& Mamma made sure I was too! 😂)

What Momi taught me

The I-Beauty Dream

Keeping it Natural

What started as a vision for organic products was the stark realisation that in today’s time and age, not even the basic soaps we made were organic! Considering they’re made with a process known as saponification, a basic ingredient of which is lye (Sodium Hydroxide, or NaOH), our vision shifted quickly to natural ingredients, and products which were naturally enhanced

Chemicals.. Pass 👎🏻

Back in 2013, the skincare market was still quite untapped with the kind of products available in the market being stale, sterile, chemical concoctions with shelf lives far beyond the product usage cycle. We found it was laced with chemical emollients, emulsifiers and preservatives, which just didn't sit right with us, practically and ethically, was this what we'd been applying all our lives?

FRESH Products

The preservatives turned out to play a huge role in our formulation trajectory, what we created and aimed to give back was never rocket science, human beings have been grooming forever, and we’ve all been exposed to products over the years that have been overly synthetic, complicated, over emulsified and over preserved. The role of preservatives have been to - well, preserve. Keep your product usable for longer, and give it a longer shelf life. But why? Once you’ve learned the difference between FRESH products and over the counter products intentionally over preserved for higher profits, you gain a whole new appreciation for both the work that goes into it and the intention of skipping chemicals for a more wholesome product, experience and lifestyle. And even where absolutely necessary, finding organic alternatives (eg. Geogard ECT, which may be more expensive as compared to other preservatives, but worth it in our books)

Not Boring Please?

Cut to 2023, hindsight is great looking back, but what now? With natural products on every other instagram screen, and the much needed realisation or wokeness, if I may - about the impact of the lifestyle we led and the products we used - on our skin, environment, our choices, It looked like we had the right idea all those years ago, but just didn’t act on it enough maybe. BUT THEN, the inner designer screamed to be let loose, especially after a visit to 🇰🇷 - asking ‘When exactly did we all stop having fun?’ When did it all become about brand identity and spiffy online etiquettes and product guidelines, about the newest IT ingredient and tedious routines to achieve the dream - perfect skin = perfect life🧏🏻‍♀️
Don’t get me wrong, I love skincare and have a 5 step skincare routine personally, but I’m also very lazy 🥲 If not lazy, busy! Oozing with creativity that’s sometimes hard to contain, I decided to take matters onto my own hands, literally, and have FUN with making products that would actually be FUN to use

Keeping it real

Consider a makeup remover that doesn’t need your hands to get dirty, or a skin spray that won’t make your hands clammy or feel greasy, but ACTUALLY stay moisturised. I think we may want a lot of things but what we need is very simple, it’s not the age defying, silicon infused, shiny plastic or holographic unicorn rainbow fillers, not even made for our Indian climates - It’s products that work and actually aren’t a headache to use or implement in your routine. Not the kind of product where you wonder do I apply this before or after sunscreen? Should I use this once in a while?
Yes our ideas may be a lil new to implement and understand, but we stand by them because they save SO MUCH TIME 😩 While we do have modern ingredients in our formulations, we don’t claim to lighten or brighten within 2 weeks, we’re transparent about what our products do and are made of, and the benefits of the quality of ingredients we use. All we’ll say is it’s good for your skin, and what we do make is all you need.

Making Momi Proud

It’s been a decade since I learnt about Kerala Ayurveda that didn’t need to be orally ingested (😖😖) But could be applied topically to nourish your skin! - Sticking to those roots even today, we invent our own formulations and products, we make them freshly by hand using little to no preservatives, using only vegetarian ingredients, for products formulated for our Indian climates. Animal testing wasn’t even an option back then, but today we strongly oppose it saying this shouldn’t be a feature, it should be the norm. We believe in making effective products that actually do what they’re supposed to, while being transparent about what goes into it. We believe in making products that are an experience in itself with the fragrance, experience and the results. We believe in making people smile and making them happy with our creations, and in making all our moms proud, and in keeping at it, working on what we’re good at - fiercely, bravely, sometimes foolishly, but always with courage.

Hi! I'm Sreesha Maria John

And I'm OBSESSED with skincare where I don't really have to care all that much, but my skin knows and feels it's loved. An all in one Cleanser+Exfoliator+ Moisturiser+Toner+Mask +SPF?

Sign me up NOW.

I believe in sticking to our roots, because they've lasted this long for a reason.

I believe I-Beauty (Indian Beauty) is what we should aspire to, not what the world has constantly highlighted and showcased beauty should be all about, from fairer complexions to glass skin. Our skin is the way it is for a reason, and we should just be trying to make it a happy place to live in.

I believe in following your gut, trying hard, trying again and again to fulfill everything you know you can be and more.

I believe in self care, filling the world with fragrances and smiles, and in the right to make mistakes, lose everything and start again.

I believe skincare shouldn’t be boring, just effective.